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sekarang forbiana mau alih profesi jadi analis (hehehe....... :D) dalam kaus eh kasus awal ini akan mengangkat penyebab orang setress ..
sementara dalam keadaan kepepet manusia terkadang sering berbuat konyol ,sering melakukan hal hal yang aneh apa benar ?? ketidak sadaran mereka dikeranakan oleh sebab masalah yang dihadapi..............mau tau .....???

ternyata tidak semua hal keanehan tersebut berasal dari masalah yang dihadapi dalam tulisan ini akan di singgung masalah AUTISME yukkkkk baca .......

1.Definisi Autisme

Kanner (Djohan, 2003) mengemukakan bahwa autisme berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu “autos” atau “sendiri” yang diartikan memiliki keanehan dalam bersosialisasi dengan dunia di luar dirinya. Banyak penderita dengan sindrom ini memiliki inteligensi rata-rata atau sering kali juga di atas rata-rata, tetapi umumnya mereka sudah didiskreditkan sejak awal.

Kartono dan Gulo (2003) mendefinisikan autisme sebagai kecenderungan pikiran-pikiran dan persepsi seseorang yang dipengaruhi oleh hasrat dan keinginannya serta dalam fantasi dan khayalan-khayalannya, dimana kenyataan objektif tidak terlihat karena adanya kecenderungan melihat dunia secara subjektif.

Sufehmi (2006) mengartikan autisme sebagai cacat pada perkembangan syaraf dan psikis manusia, baik sejak janin dan seterusnya, yang menyebabkan kelemahan dalam berinteraksi sosial, kemampuan berkomunikasi, perbedaan pola minat dan tingkah laku. Autisme cukup luas dan mencakup banyak hal.

Raka (2006) mendefinisikan autisme sebagai kumpulan gejala perilaku yang bervariasi pada setiap anak. Gangguan perilaku dapat berupa kurangnya interaksi sosial, penghindaran kontak mata, kesulitan dalam mengembangkan bahasa dan pengulangan tingkah laku. Utami (2001) mengemukakan bahwa autisme atau yang sering juga disebut dengan kelainan autis merupakan kelainan yang terjadi pada jaringan otak, dimana anak-anak penderita kelainan ini biasanya menunjukkan perilaku “tak peduli” pada lingkungan dan orang-orang di sekitarnya.

Chaplin (2002) mendefinisikan autisme sebagai cara berpikir yang dikendalikan oleh kebutuhan personal atau diri sendiri, dimana penderita menanggapi dunia berdasarkan penglihatan dan harapan sendiri dan menolak realitas, serta keasyikan ekstrim dengan pikiran dan fantasi sendiri. Anak autistik adalah anak dengan kecenderungan diam dan suka menyendiri yang ekstrim. Anak autistik bisa duduk serta bermain-main selama berjam-jam lamanya dengan jari-jarinya sendiri atau dengan serpihan-serpihan kertas. Tampaknya anak tersebut tenggelam dalam satu dunia fantasi batiniah sendiri. Autisme merupakan suatu kecatatan perkembangan yang dengan mantap mempengaruhi komunikasi lisan dan non lisan serta interaksi sosial pada usia di bawah 3 tahun yang berdampak pada perolehan pendidikan anak, dimana anak tersebut sering melakukan pengulangan aktifitas, penolakan terhadap perubahan lingkungan atau perubahan rutinitas harian dan tanggapan yang tidak lazim terhadap perasaan (Tanpa Nama, 2005).

Berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa autisme merupakan kecenderungan perilaku pada anak, dimana anak tersebut kurang dalam berinteraksi sosial, menghindari kontak mata, kesulitan dalam mengembangkan bahasa, sering mengulang tingkah lakunya serta kecenderungan melihat dunia secara subjektif dan menolak realitas.

2.Gejala-gejala Autisme

Gejala-gejala anak autisme dapat timbul sejak lahir dan anak tidak pernah mengalami perkembangan perilaku yang normal. Namun ada juga anak yang sejak lahir tampak normal dan baru pada usia sekitar 2 tahun terjadi hambatan perkembangan pada perilakunya dan bahkan kemudian terjadi kemunduran (regresi).

Handojo (2003) mengemukakan beberapa karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh penyandang autisme, yaitu sebagai berikut:

a.Selektif berlebihan terhadap rangsangan

b.Kurangnya motivasi untuk menjelajahi dunia baru

c.Respon stimulasi diri sehingga mengganggu interaksi sosial

d.Respon unik terhadap imbalan, khususnya imbalan dari stimulasi diri. Anak merasa mendapatkan imbalan berupa hasil penginderaan terhadap perilaku stimulasi dirinya, baik berupa gerakan maupun berupa suara. Hal ini menyebabkan dirinya selalu mengulang perilakunya secara khas.

Handojo (2003) juga mengemukakan beberapa gejala autisme masa kanak berdasarkan kriteria DSM-IV, yaitu sebagai berikut:

a.Harus ada sedikitnya 6 dari (1), (2) dan (3), dengan minimal 2 gejala dari (1) dan masing-masing gejala dari (2) dan (3).

1. Gangguan kualitatif dalam interaksi sosial yang timbal balik. Minimal harus ada 2 gejala dari gejala-gejala di bawah ini: a)Tidak mampu menjalin interaksi sosial yang cukup memadai: kontak mata sangat kurang, ekspresi muka kurang hidup, gerak-gerik yang kurang tertuju. b)Tidak bisa bermain dengan teman sebaya. c)Tidak dapat merasakan apa yang dirasakan orang lain d)Kurangnya hubungan sosial dan emosional yang timbal balik.
2. Gangguan kualitatif dalam bidang komunikasi seperti ditunjukkan oleh minimal satu dari gejala-gejala di bawah ini: a)Bicara terlambat atau bahkan sama sekali tidak berkembang (dan tidak ada usaha untuk mengimbangi komunikasi dengan cara lain tanpa bicara). b)Jika bisa bicara, bicaranya tidak dipakai untuk komunikasi. c)Sering menggunakan bahasa yang aneh dan diulang-diulang. d)Cara bermain kurang variatif, kurang imajinatif dan kurang bisa meniru.
3. Suatu pola yang dipertahankan dan diulang-ulang dari perilaku, minat dan kegiatan. Sedikitnya harus ada satu dari gejala di bawah ini: a)Mempertahankan satu minat atau lebih dengan cara yang sangat khas dan berlebih-lebihan. b)Terpaku pada suatu gerakan yang ritualistik yang tidak ada gunanya. c)Ada gerakan-gerakan aneh yang khas dan diulang-ulang. d)Seringkali sangat terpukau pada bagian-bagian benda.

b.Sebelum berumur 3 tahun tampak adanya keterlambatan atau gangguan dalam bidang:

1. Interaksi sosial
2. Bicara dan berbahasa
3. Cara bermain yang kurang imajinatif

c.Bukan disebabkan oleh Sindroma Rett atau Gangguan Disintegratif Masa Kanak

3.Penyebab-penyebab Autisme

Hingga kini, belum terdeteksi faktor tunggal yang menjadi penyebab timbulnya gangguan autisme (Tanpa Nama, 2006). Namun demikian, terdapat beberapa teori yang dimungkinkan menjadi penyebab timbulnya autisme, yaitu sebagai berikut:

a.Teori Psikososial

Beberapa ahli seperti Kanner dan Bettelhem menganggap autisme sebagai akibat hubungan yang dingin atau tidak akrab antara orang tua (terutama ibu) dengan anak. Dengan demikian dikatakan bahwa orang tua atau pengasuh yang emosional, kaku, obsesif, tidak hangat bahkan dingin, dapat menyebabkan anak asuhnya menjadi autistik.

b.Teori Biologis

1)Faktor genetik, dimana keluarga yang terdapat anak autisme memiliki resiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan populasi keluarga normal.

2)Prenatal, natal dan postnatal, yaitu pendarahan pada masa kehamilan awal, obat-obatan, tangis bayi terlambat, gangguan pernapasan dan anemia.

3)Neuro anatomi, yaitu gangguan atau disfungsi pada sel-sel otak selama dalam kandungan yang mungkin disebabkan terjadinya gangguan oksigenasi, perdarahan atau infeksi.

4)Struktur dan biokimiawi, yaitu kelainan pada cerebellum dengan sel-sel purkinje yang jumlahnya terlalu sedikit, padahal sel-sel purkinje mempunyai kandungan serotonin yang tinggi. Demikian juga kemungkinan tingginya kandungan dapomin atau opioid dalam darah.

c.Keracunan Logam Berat Keracunan logam berat umumnya terjadi pada anak yang tinggal di dekat tambang batu bara dan sebagainya.

d.Gangguan Pencernaan, Pendengaran dan Penglihatan Berdasarkan data yang ada, 60% anak autis mempunyai sistem pencernaan kurang sempurna dan kemungkinan timbulnya gejala autistik disebabkan karena adanya gangguan dalam pendengaran dan penglihatan.

Sufehmi (2006) juga menyebutkan beberapa hal yang dicurigai berpotensi menyebabkan anak menderita autisme, yaitu sebagai berikut:

a.Vaksin yang mengandung thimerosal Thimerosal adalah zat pengawet yang digunakan pada berbagai vaksin. Karena banyaknya kritikan, kini banyak negara maju yang memproduksi vaksin tanpa menggunakan thimerosal

b.Televisi Semakin maju suatu negara, biasanya interaksi antara orang tua-anak semakin berkurang karena berbagai hal. Sebagai kompensasinya, seringkali TV digunakan sebagai penghibur anak. Ternyata terdapat kemungkinan bahwa TV bisa menjadi penyebab autisme pada anak, terutama yang menjadi jarang bersosialisasi karenanya.

c.Makanan Berbagai zat kimia yang terdapat pada makanan modern (misalnya pengawet, pewarna dan lain-lain) dicurigai menjadi penyebab autisme pada beberapa kasus. Hal ini didasarkan pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Feingold yang melakukan terapi diet terhadap beberapa pasiennya yang menderita autis. Ketika zat-zat kimia tersebut dihilangkan dari makanan para penderita autisme, banyak yang mengalami peningkatan situasi secara drastis.

d.Radiasi pada janin bayi Sebuah riset dalam skala besar di Swedia menunjukkan bahwa bayi yang terkena gelombang ultrasonik berlebihan akan cenderung menjadi kidal. Dengan makin banyaknya radiasi di sekitar kita, ada kemungkinan radiasi juga berperan menyebabkan autisme. Sehingga, sebaiknya wanita menghindari USG jika tidak perlu.

e.Folic Acid Zat ini biasanya diberikan pada wanita hamil untuk mencegah cacat fisik pada janin dan hasilnya memang cukup nyata. Tingkat cacat pada janin menurun hingga sebesar 30%, namun di lain pihak tingkat autisme juga meningkat.

f.Sekolah lebih awal Hal ini memang mengejutkan, namun terdapat beberapa penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa menyekolahkan anak lebih awal (preschool) dapat memicu rekasi autisme. Diperkirakan bayi yang memiliki bakat autisme sebetulnya bisa sembuh atau membaik dengan berada dalam lingkupan orang tuanya. Namun, karena justru dipindahkan ke lingkungan asing yang berbeda (sekolah playgroup/preschool), maka beberapa anak jadi mengalami shock dan bakat autismenya menjadi muncul dengan sangat jelas.

4.Perkembangan Bahasa pada Anak Autis

Keluhan utama dari orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan ciri-ciri autistik adalah keterlambatan bicara atau bahkan belum bicara sama sekali. Banyak orang tua beranggapan jika anaknya bisa bicara maka 99% masalah anak akan terselesaikan. Ginanjar (Tanpa Nama, 2002) mengemukakan bahwa hal yang lebih penting adalah pemahaman anak terhadap bahasa dan kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara dua arah. Banyak anak autis yang mampu bicara, namun sebenarnya belum mampu memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang apa yang mereka ucapkan dan diucapkan oleh orang lain. Tidak jarang anak autis yang bisa lancar mendeskripsikan sesuatu, menghapal lagu, meniru jingle iklan, membaca dengan baik, namun gagal ketika diajak tanya jawab mengenai kejadian sehari-hari. Sehingga, anak autis yang dapat berbicara belum tentu memiliki pemahaman bahasa yang baik serta dapat berbicara dengan benar. Sebagian anak autis tidak dapat berkomunikasi baik dengan verbal maupun nonverbal. Biasanya mereka tidak dapat mengkomunikasikan perasaan maupun keinginan, sukar memahami kata-kata atau bahasa orang lain, sebaliknya kata-kata mereka sukar dipahami maknanya, berbicara sangat lambat, berbicara bukan untuk berkomunikasi, suka bergumam, dapat menghapal kata-kata atau nyanyian tanpa mengenali arti dan konteksnya, perkembangan bahasa sangat lambat bahkan sering tidak tampak dan komunikasi terkadang dilakukan dengan cara menarik-narik tangan orang lain untuk menyampaikan keinginannya (Tanpa Nama, 2006).

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100 Best Health Care Policy Blogs

Whether you want to participate in the debate over universal health care or unfair health insurance policies and workers' comp, or if you you'd just like to learn more about the issues and legislation that affect the cost and quality of the health care your family receives, you've probably tried turning to the Internet for help. Unfortunately, it can be overwhelming to track down the exact kind of information you need without getting distracted, frustrated or even just lost. If you need a little more direction to help you with your search, check out our list of 100 of the best health care policy blogs online, where you can read up on public health, geriatric care, disease management, politics and legislation, and even the business of health care and pharmaceuticals.


Here you'll find information about vaccines, medical marketing and other issues that surround pediatric care and policy.

1. Healthy Kids: Learn about free screenings, medical marketing, and other pediatric news here.
2. Dr. Tapas' Pediatric Blog: In addition to helping parents understand their children's symptoms and diseases, this blog "also discuss[es] issues surrounding pediatrics in an effort to aid parents in understanding how these issues will affect their children."
3. Dr. Gwenn is In: Dr. Gwenn is a pediatrician who blogs about everything from recalls to medical community news to childhood obesity to women's health.
4. Vaccine Awakening: Learn all about childhood vaccines, vaccine risks and the government's role in enforcing vaccines.
5. Saying No to Vaccines: This anti-vaccination blog reveals risks associated with vaccines and reports on lawsuits and court cases dealing with vaccines.


Learn more about the ethics codes in hospitals and in the greater health care industry here.

6. Healthcare Blogger Code of Ethics: This is the website that evaluates medical blogs online.
7. Medical Ethics: Stuart Laidlaw of the Toronto Star writes posts like "Who gets treatment?" and "Access to health care."
8. Bioethics Discussion Blog: Learn about and participate in the bioethics debate here.
9. Health Care Organizational Ethics: This blog considers "the ethics of health care organizations and the wider health system."
10. Global Bioethics Blog: This blog reports on bioethics and medical research ethics around the world.
11. Health Care Renewal: This blog tries to hold accountable those who abuse the health care system.

Senior Care and Life Care

For information about geriatrics, Medicare, assisted living, disease management and chronic illnesses and the policies and laws they influence, turn to this list.

12. Disease Management Care Blog: Get news, stats, research finds and analysis of health issues like primary care, pay for performance, disease management, and health insurance.
13. The Senior Care Market: After browsing posts in this blog, consider how the booming senior care business impacts health policy.
14. Senior Care Notes: Learn about the business of the senior care industry here.
15. The Geriatrics Blog: Modern Medicine's Geriatrics page covers everything from the future of the niche industry to specific diseases to long-term care investments.
16. The Geriatric Patient: Elderly patients can turn to this site to learn more about the issues affecting their care.
17. Quality of Life Care: Learn about end-of-life care, life care resources and trends for baby boomers and more.
18. Pallimed: Read all about hospice care and palliative medicine on this blog, which also covers topics in health care ethics, coverage and policy.
19. Alliance for Aging Research Blog: Learn about new studies, cures, drugs and policies affecting geriatrics medical research.
20. Recent posts in this blog include "Marketing to Boomers: Don't Stereotype" and "New Report: Trends and Best Practices for Marketing to the Senior Care Industry."

Politics, Legislation and Law

This list contains blogs all about health care laws and how they fit into the political system.

21. Health Care Law Blog: Read up on health care ethics, legislation, privacy issues, business and more.
22. Health Beat: Check this blog frequently for great pieces about the inner workings of the health care industry, as well as reports on legislations and issues affecting health care.
23. HealthBlawg: This health care law blog posts about lawsuits, legislation, managed care, Medicare, and more.
24. Each Patient Counts: The Massachusetts Medical Society uses this blog as a venue for posting about legislation, Congress' rulings on health care-related bills and more.
25. Health Law Prof: Read about health care issues and health law, from consumer behavior to insurance to exams and screenings to politics.
26. Health Commentary with Dr. Mike Magee: Dr. Mike Magee blogs about research, environmental health, patient advocacy, health care reform and a lot more.

Health Care and Business

Health care policies can be influenced by and can directly affect the business of health care. Learn about new technologies, systems and marketing campaigns in the health care industry here.

27. Health Business Blog: Read about the pharmaceutical industry, investments in prevention and more.
28. WSJ Health Blog: The Wall Street Journal's Health Blog reports on the business of the health care industry, as well as legislations and trends in health care.
29. Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review: Read posts about federal health care policies and health care consumers, health plans, pharmaceuticals and more.
30. Health Policy and Communications Blog: This blogger aims to discuss the health care system by analyzing its effect on and response to the economy.
31. Healthcare Economist: Find out how all health care issues, from maternal health to geriatrics to medical research, affect the economy.
32. Health Care Policy, Innovation and Renewal: This blog challenges the American health care system to become more efficient and quality-driven, "in an era of globalization, rising free market dynamics" and other changes.
33. Healthcare Today: Read about consumer culture in the health care system, reimbursement, health care politics, insurance, ethics and other issues surrounding the business of health care.

International Health Care

Find out about what's being done to improve health care policies in other countries like India, Africa and more.

34. World Health Care Blog: Recent posts from this blog include "Disease Management's Ace in the Hole" and "Health Care Challenges in the Post-American World."
35. The TIME Global Health Blog: Browse the archives to learn about global health policies, bird flu, TB, malaria, HIV and more.
36. International HIA Blog: Here, you can get "the latest news and views on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and discussing policy and practice internationally."
37. The International Medical Marketplace: Read this blog to gain insight into how the business of health care around the world affects American health policies, treatments and trends.
38. Global Health Policy: The Center for Global Development fuels the discussion about global health policies, AIDS and more in this blog.
39. IH-Blog: APHA's international health blog writes about population growth, health policies, trade, and "stories from the field."
40. Global Health Report: Journalist Christine Gorman explores "what needs to happen next in global health" in her blog.


Sneak a peek into the world of the pharmaceutical industry by reading these blogs.

41. Hooked: Ethics, Medicine and Pharma: This blog analyzes the medical research and pharmaceutical industries by discussing sponsorship, projects taken on by Congress and more.
42. Eye on FDA: Find out what the FDA is currently up to when you check out this blog.
43. Pharma Marketing Blog: Visit this blog for the latest in the business of pharmaceuticals.
44. Pharma Gossip: Read about drug company alliances, pharma investments and more.
45. Pharmaceutical Engineering: Recent posts cover FDA probes, the UK pharma industry and growth in the U.S. prescription drug market.
46. MedAd News: This blog will teach you about the ins and outs of drug marketing.
47. The Pharmaceutical Marketing Blog: This is "the source for pharma markeing" news and trends.
48. FDA Law Blog: Learn all about health care law and pharma law as it relates to the FDA here.
49. Rx Blog: This "drug news and pharmaceutical information blog" can help you better understand how pharmaceuticals play a role in health care policy.
50. Pharmalot: This blog will help you understand court cases that center around pharmaceutical companies and the FDA.

Free/Affordable/Universal Health Care

Join the debate on universal health care and the health care crisis in America by reading these blogs.

51. In America, No One Should Go Without Health Care: Get the facts about America's health care system here, while you watch videos, get news from the AFL-CIO, and learn about health care reform.
52. We Don't Need Insurance, We Need Guaranteed Health Care: Learn about which candidates and sponsors support universal health care, read analysis and articles by nurses and other medical professionals, and more.
53. Health Care for All: The Campaign for America's Future network publishes posts from various authors who write about health care reform and the American health care industry.
54. Coverage for All: This site, from the Foundation for Health Coverage Education, shares information about different health coverage programs, news reports about health care policies and insurance, and more.
55. Common Health: The articles on this blog discuss coverage, cost, health care reform and related topics.

Nursing, Physicians and Hospitals

For insight into how nurses and doctors view health care policies, turn to these blogs.

56. Hospital Impact: This blogger asks, "what will it take for our hospitals to be the best run organizations on the face of the planet?"
57. Nick's Blog: The President and CEO of Windber Research Institute and Windber Medical Center blogs about quality of care, hospital bullies, Medicare and more.
58. Wachter's World: Get an inside look at hospitals' efforts to promote quality, patient safety and efficiency.
59. Healthcare Collaboration: Read about the campaign to improve doctor-hospital relations here.
60. Our Own System: This blog considers why the nursing shortage is so dangerous to the health care system.

Official Organizations

Visit the blogs from official health care policy organizations like The Policy Journal of the Health Sphere.

61. SCOTUS Blog: Keep track of any health care policy cases that make it to the Supreme
Court by checking this blog.

62. Health Affairs: This is the blog for The Policy Journal of the Health Sphere. Recent posts
tackle HIV/AIDS outbreaks in India and China, recipients of government health care
spending, and the business of health care.


Older patients and those helping to take care of elderly friends and family members can learn about the confusing Medicare and Medicaid policies here.

63. Piper Report: Learn all about Medicare and Medicaid here.
64. Medicare News Blog: Read up on Medicare coverage and cases in hospitals and hospice.
65. Medicare Part D Blog: Find out what drugs are covered and which are not, tips on
enrollment, and more.

66. Florida Medicaid: Subscribe to this feed to get updates and reports about Medicaid.
67. Hospice Blog: Hospice Blog frequently brings Medicare and Medicaid discussions to the

Health Insurance and Coverage

Learn more about the health insurance crisis by reading these blogs.

68. InsureBlog: Gain insight into the world of health insurance, health savings accounts and
more in this blog.

69. Workers Comp Insider: Learn about the policies, risks and business associated with workers
comp by reading this blog.

70. RiskProf: Get the lowdown on which laws and issues affect health insurance and liability.
71. Managed Care Matters: Managed Care Matters explores health care policy, insurance trends,
medical research and more to make sense of the insurance mess.

72. Insurance Industry Blog: This is the blog for the Insurance Information Institute, and
visitors will learn about health education, technology and other issues that affect insurance.

73. The New Health Dialogue: This blog tackles health insurance coverage, health care plans, and
the quality of health care.

74. Speaking of Outreach: Learn about dental insurance, health care reform, subsidized heatlh
care and other health policy issues here.

75. Health Insurance Blog: Learn about insurance reform, state legislation, and other health care
issues in this blog.

76. Health Insurance Blog:'s Kelly Montgomery shares her knowledge about
navigating health insurance reform, claims disputes, policies, confusing terms and more.

77. The Coverage Corner: Learn about discounts, local and state campaigns to make health
insurance more accessible, and insurance technology.

Sexual Health

From birth control to abortions to AIDS and STDs, sexual health policy is a major issue today.

78. Sexual Health: Sex Matters: WebMD's Dr. Louanne Cole Weston answers all kinds of sex
questions here.

79. Men's Sexual Health Blog: Get reports on research studies, legislation and other sexual
health issues for men.

80. Kinsey Confidential: Learn about sex education programs, sex health policy, pregnancy,
contraception and more here.

81. The Women's Sexual Health Foundation Blog: Get the lowdown on new sexual health meds,
pelvic fitness and more.

82. Birth Control Buzz: Read about adenomyosis, babies by design, eco-friendly birth control and
more topics about birth control.

83. Birth Control Watch: This pro-choice blog tracks legislation, campaigns, and news about all
types of birth control.

84. National Abortion Federation Blog: Learn about lawsuits, abortion cases and state and
federal legislation about abortion on this blog.

Public Health

These blogs feature articles about everything dealing with public health, including the FDA and the tobacco industry.

85. Dr. Buttery's Public Health Blog: Recent posts cover the FDA, chronic diseases, health
insurance and sex education.

86. Genetics and Health: Learn more about genetics and diseases here.
87. Health Mongers: This student-led blog tackles topics like research, public health reform, and

88. The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Learn all about the tobacco
industry and how it relates to public health.

89. Stayin' Alive: Join in the "discussion of public health and health care policy, from a public
health perspective" by reading, commenting and writing to Congress, as the blog encourages.

90. Impact Analysis: Read analysis about environmental health here.
91. U.S. Food Policy: Understand how organic living, the economy and U.S. food policies also
affect public health.

General Health Policy and Reform

Discover what these bloggers are doing to improve the health care industry.

92. Health Wonk Review: Visit this site to get summaries and analyses of stories posted on all the other health care policy blogs.
93. DB's Medical Rants: Read this professional's rants and reviews of the health care system.
94. Retired Doc's Thoughts: This retired doctor shares his thoughts and insight on health policy, government interference, pharmaceuticals and more.
95. Let's Talk Health Care: This online community is run by Charlie Baker, President and CEO of Harvard Pilgrim. In his blog, Baker discusses health care quality, cost effectiveness, reform, coverage, alternative medicine and Medicare.
96. Change Now 4 Health: This network encourages readers and members to "help fix the health care system" through innovation.
97. Future Healthcare: To get the most out of this website, choose a focus area like patient safety, future surgery, IT security or supply chain management.
98. PHMI Blog: Partners Harvard Medical International's blog covers all kinds of health news and policy updates.
99. The Alan Katz Health Care Reform Blog: Katz, a former president of the National Association of Health Underwriters and the California Association of Health Underwriters blogs about health care reform.
100. AFL-CIO NOW Blog: This blog often covers public health issues and health care reform.

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Top 10 Reasons to Smile

Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one fun way to live longer read about the others and try as many as you can.

Note: Stay up-to-date on longevity and anti-aging with my weekly newsletter.
1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.
2. Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
4. Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.
9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.
More Fun Ways to Live Longer

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